
to the victor, goes the blogger

I've never been a huge Blogger champion (are the Google spies going to destroy me for admitting this using their own technology... I haven't yet finished reading the labyrinth that is the new Google Privacy Policy which I actually fully intend to do and for the record think it's creepy that they think it's handy/funny/clever/ironic to provide personality profiles for their users). THAT BEING SAID... I figured I would try out Wordpress. Sure they have many more customizable templates that reflect the wide range of generation x, y, & z-ers out there who wish to make their entire personal life public knowledge, but with slightly more focus than Facebook. But while it was easy to set up, and generally a handy interface, I have to admit I hated it. Only ONE menu is acceptable in this template? Huh? But what if I want to link to links, pages, AND posts? It's not like I'm looking for anything high tech. I rarely even blog (which I HATE its usage as a verb). But sometimes you just want to throw something into the 'cloud' and be able to access it from any node connected to the interwebs. 'What? You don't dream of computers in your sleep? You paint? Like paint WALLS?' You know, those kind of moments. Or those 'here's what I've been doing for the past 5 years' kind of moments. So today proved to be the kicker; the straw that broke the Wordpress camel's back. I figured out enough html code to embed Blogger into the Flash-based online portfolio I feel like I've been working on forever. 1 place for everything to land. And since I've always been pretty skeptical about my name flying around as a searchable item (cue Google Privacy Policy ironic wink) I decided to go with Flash so my name and images aren't really searchable, rather goofy dying code. So thinking about how different my day to day life is then what my night to night life (other than the utter geekiness, because let's be honest - that NEVER goes away), but that when all is said and done, when 5pm rolls around every Monday through Friday and I'm already home for the first job ever in my entire adult life where I'm not either on-call or somehow responsible for the afterhours, yes at the end of the day, I am left creative. And so that is my new home. Which I'm sure you got here via Left Creative in the first place (since really no one had or ever looked at this blog on their own when it was out there floating in space for 5 years). Welcome to my new home, where I am left creative.

ps. I'll migrate over the few posts I did put up using Wordpress - maybe they'll fill in the gaps. But their server keeps crashing while trying to export. Go figure!