
from FAR AWAY deep in the vault: self portrait

Before you go any further, I made this at age 17 when I was a junior in high school (aka grade 11 for the Canadians). On the whole, it's not horrible. The mouth brings up some major questions. But we were supposed to make a self portrait with some sort of expression, not just staring straight ahead. The concept was one 'self' speaking to my other 'self' and it be something surprising. Yes, that is supposed to be a face of shock. Yea, major questions. Deep thinking for a 17 year old... Although my husband may say the only way TO make an accurate self portrait would be to have about 4 of 5 MORE 'selves' all trying to throw in their own input.

But the details are actually pretty good, I must say after 12 years' reflection. I've seen worse from full blown art school graduates. At this point I had never taken any drawing classes, just general art, and plus I made 2 self portraits! That's gotta forgive the demented mouth/jaw (and yes, my eyes really are that close together, my nose lumpy, and my chin equally as crooked.)

Self Portrait | 1999