
Lost, but now am found

About 2x a year I lose something I *swore* was right there, behind the photo frame under the postcard that was strategically placed under the notecards. The stuff on my dresser/side table live in a specific ordered chaos for years at a time, and usually I know exactly were each gem is hiding. Now this is NOT to say that all the crapola on my side of the room is valuable, or worth searching for. Most is not. But its proximity to the important stuff earns it near vital status, as it provides the markers, the buoys of thought in my miscalibrated brain. But this time around, whilst no one was around to poke at my process or call me away for tv shows bonding time or meals, I tackled not just the stuff on top, but the stuff IN and UNDER the other stuff, the stuff that the stuff had been stuffing.

Only problem is the mental buoys are gone, the pots have been pulled and the crabs crawl delicately back into the dark abyss. It's going to take me another year to find where to all my treasures have sunken.

A selection of random items recovered in current raid from drawers/piles/stacks/underthebed/backpacks that are neither the best nor worst:

My iPod Touch! Just in time for Hawaii... camera, email & music in one, plus load up some game apps from my iPhone and I'm good to go.

50's-style robot wrapping paper! Awesomely wicked (& my favorite recovery of the day).

Year-old issue of Phoenix New Times with amazing cover story... based on the first few pages that distracted me from cleaning for a half hour, this story is juicy. Will go perfect with coffee and croissant in the morning.

Unopened box of Hot Tamales. mmmmm love these little guys. They were in a pile of March/April items so I'm guessing they're left over from Easter. That's less than a year ago, so from experience they will still be mildly chewy and not completely overtaken by the cinnamon alcohol. A good find there. 

Christmas ornaments? Have no clue how long these have been hanging around, but I know they're not from last year, but have each other to keep company.

A sketch of a lion, who will only upload upsidedown. Interesting...